All posts by OnoLeBeau

ダイバーシティ作りのポイント3点:オリンピック・パラリンピック開会式と閉会式を振り返って 3 Key Ways your organization can effectively create diverse events

(Summary) I wrote a blog for Japanese readers, but parts of it are relevant to non-Japanese people. I am a Japanese living for decades in the US with many years of experience in teaching multiculturalism. During the Olympic and Paralympic openings and closings, I noticed some important cultural facets that Japanese in Japan need to be more aware of. I picked three key points to help future Japanese organizers and company employees build diversity in a more culturally competent way. 1) Use a social change approach -The Japanese producers created a Disneyland-like Diver-sity (city) with colorful buildings and lively dances, but the French preview of the 2024 paralympics consciously identified the issue of stereotyping disabled professionals, and successfully depicted a paralyzed composer making music on the computer using only his eyes while the dancers in wheelchairs performed in unison. 2) Avoid cultural appropriation – A Japanese singer imitated Louis Armstrong singing “What a Wonderful World.” Be careful not to copy singers inappropriately. Japanese people are unfamiliar with the concept of cultural appropriation. 3) Build a linguistic identity – Be more confident in using Japanese in global communications. Japanese is one of the most spoken languages in the world, but Japanese performers in the ceremonies mostly sang in English. No contemporary popular Japanese singers appeared. There were no Japanese  translations of the Olympic/Paralympic mission statement, which was  written in English. Become cosmopolitan!

Miraitowa and Someity: “Mirai” means “future,” and “towa” means “eternity.” Someity comes from the Japanese cherry blossom, “Someiyoshino.” Someity also sounds like “so mighty.” They finally appeared in the Paralympics Closing Ceremony.





  1. ソーシャルチェンジ・アプローチを目指して
  2. Cultural Appropriation (文化の盗用)に注意
  3. 言語アイデンティティを大切に







Cultural Appropriation (文化の盗用)に注意



特に、このような大切な公共の場でのモノマネはCulturally inappropriate (文化的に不適当)だ言われています。



















Paralympics Games: NBC and NHK Coverage・Afghan Olympic Spirit・From 9th to 2nd・Iran-Iraq War・Resilience・Had Fun・Best Collaboration

(Summary) I watched coverage of the Tokyo Paralympics on both NHK and NBC. They were culturally different. While NBC said, “She didn’t give up!”, NHK said, “I learned from her how important not giving up is!” NHK explained more about the disabilities issues and challenges that athletes face. They also used graphics and illustrations to show how the disability levels are arranged to compose teamsI selected six moments that moved me An Afghan athlete arrived late — two days after the opening — because of the difficulty of trying to leave Afghanistan during the Taliban takeoverIn the triathlon a Japanese athlete surged from 9th place to 2nd place to win the silver medalA Brazilian swimmer said that he chose to be an Olympian swimmer to be a model for young Brazilians with disabilities, who otherwise tend to become beggars or gang membersA young Japanese athlete was happy even though he finished last, because he said he heard his friends cheer and call his name while he was running — “Takeru! Takeru!” The team of blind athletes and guides had the best collaboration model to make their dreams come true・I think that Paralympics should be integrated into the Olympics. Collaboration is the best model for everybody to learn from each other and grow.


見すぎたおかげで、ホスト側とビジター側との違いか、あるいはお互いの文化の違いからか、NHKとNBCは解説のアプローチに違いがあることに気づきました。例えば、NBCが、”She didn’t give up!” といえば、NHKが、「あきらめないことの大切を学ばせてくれました」といった、感情の入れ方の違いです。











Paralympics Opening Ceremony: パラリンピック開会式:Who Is It For? What Is It For?「肩翼の小さな飛行機」を振り返って

(Summary) The Paralympics Opening Ceremony’s story prompted some questions for me. The main character was played by a 13 year old girl, Yui Wago. She played a one-wing plane and in the end she conquered her fear and successfully flew with courage. If she was representing the paralympics athletes, I wondered why the athletes had to watch it. Who was the target audience? Who needs to be inspired by this dramatic spectacle? Many people said, “she was cute,” “I cried,” and “I was moved.” These messages are not what the athletes need to hear. In a world where people with physical disabilities and intellectual impairments face prejudice and discrimination, I think that the storyline needs to include an adult who breaks the stereotype of people with disabilities, in addition to a cute young child in a wheelchair. The Paralympic Athletes are role models for all of us. They do not have to be reminded to have courage. Courage is what got them there.


パラリンピックのストーリーの主役は、機能障害を持つ13歳の和合由依さん。NBCが、和合さんが姿を表すと、”We are about to meet the main character! Here she is — a little one-wing plane!” と解説。”Her movement is spectacular!” と絶賛していました。

Yui Wago, left, gestures during her performance as a one-winged airplane in the Tokyo Paralympic Games opening ceremony at the Japan National Stadium in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward on Aug. 24, 2021. (Mainichi/Noriko Tokuno)












U.S. Paralympic snowboarder Amy Purdy is seen dancing with a robot during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Paralympics at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on Sept. 7, 2016. (Mainichi)







Tokyo Olympics Part 2: Sports Climbing, Karate, Baseball and Softball

(Summary) From land (skateboarding) to ocean (surfing) to mountains (sports climbing). The Tokyo Olympics 2020 featured nature in the new added sports・Climbing looks like an individual sport, but actually climbers learn from collaborating with each other・Karate, a martial art from Okinawa, finally joined the Olympics, and Kiyuna from Okinawa won the first gold medal for Okinawa. I was impressed with the Neko (Cat) Stance as a part of Kata form・In baseball, Samurai Japan finally got its long-awaiting gold. Japanese softball reminded me of the WorldCup champion Nadeshiko women’s  soccer. The charismatic and empathetic leadership of Japanese women led the team to victory.










[速報] 日本人初 スピード メダル獲得の瞬間 野中生萌選手 スポーツクライミング

一つ学んだことは、スポーツクライミングは個人スポーツだと思っていたのですが、競い合う前にクライマーみんなで会ってどうやって登ろうかとチャットする時間が設けられているんですね。Collaboration (コラボレーション)も入っていることを知って、より親近感を得ました。実際の山登りも、一人で登っても、誰かが作ってくれた登山道を行くわけですから、よく考えれば、あれもコラボです。















NBCのアナウンサーも、日本の勝利を喜び、”Japan won the long-awaiting gold medal! Japan was waiting for the medal for a long time”と言って、興奮してました。アメリカのチームには悪いけど、本当に日本が勝って良かったです。アメリカ人のアナウンサーが言った通り、待ちに待った金メダルでした。



USA softball falls to rival Japan in dramatic gold-medal game | Tokyo Olympics | NBC Sports







Examples of the Useful Language Use that you can learn from today’s text:

Useful Japanese for Japanese learners「おーい!よくやったー!ありがとう〜!いいぞ〜!よくがんばった〜!」(ooii! Yoku yatta! Arigato! Iizo! Yoku gambatta!) —  Former Coach and TV Narrator of Team Japan Softball, Taeko Utsugi, commenting with excitement after the Japanese women’s softball team won the gold medal. (From Nikkan Sports) – “Hey! You did it! Thank you! Great! You worked hard!”
Useful English for English learnersJapan beat the United States to win the gold medal in Tokyo. – NBC Narrator 「日本が東京でアメリカを破って金メダルを勝ち取りました。」See the video above.

Tokyo Olympics Part 1: オリンピック本当にすごかったっすーSkateboarding & Surfing

(An English summary is at the end of this text along with some useful Japanese and English phrases that you can learn from today’s text. 英語の要約とこのテキストに出てきた「タメになる日本語と英語」の例がこのテキストの最後に付加されています。)



日本で行われるオリンピックを経験するのは、幼い頃に見た1964年以来。コロナ禍のため、世界中に批判されながら開始されただけに、アメリカにいても感無量でした。東京オリンピック2020 が私の一生でおそらく最後の日本のオリンピックになると思うと、やっぱりブログ再出発するタイミングだと自覚しました。










5つの新しい種目について、アメリカに住む視聴者の目線で書き留めておきたいと思います。Part 1は、スケボーとサーフィン。


カッコいいスポーツがとうとうオリンピックで見られるようになり、日本はスケボー大国としてデビュー。堀米雄斗(ゆうと)くん、西矢椛(もみじ)さん、中山楓奈 (ふうな)さん、四十住(よそずみ)さくらさん、開心那(ひらきここな)さん、メダリストが続出しました。



オリンピックのミッションは、United by Emotion。このエモーションの意味をひしひしと伝えてくれた、金メダル級のスポーツ解説者は、スケボープロの瀬尻稜さん!「ヤベー」「すごいっす」「ゴン攻め」「ハンパねぇー」などの日本語スラングを連発。海外のJapanese Studies Programのハードルを、教科書以上に上げてくれました。

スラングに加えて、英語風に、堀米雄斗くんを「ユート」、西村碧莉さんを「アオリ」とファーストネームで呼んで、スケボー仲間にフレンドリーな尊敬の念を込めた瀬尻さんのAUTHENTICITY (オーセンティシティ、本物感)は、まさにスケボー文化そのものでした。これは真似できるものではありません。スケボーストリートは、やっぱり純粋にCOOL、根っからカッコいい。

Ryo Sejiri | RVCA Skate Japan 2020


瀬尻さんのパートナー、フジテレビの倉田大誠さんも、多文化時代にスポーツアナウンサーのあるべき姿を見せてくれました。彼のFLEXIBILITY (フレキシビリティ、柔軟性)は、スケボーの瀬尻さんにぴったり。瀬尻さんへの尊敬を込めたやりとりがなんと心地よかったことか。




このコラボが生んだ軟性と本物感が、クリエイティブな雰囲気を作り出し、西矢椛さんがゴールドを取ったとき倉田さんが発した、「13歳!真夏の大冒険!」 という名フレーズを生んだと思います。以前から考えていたようですが、それに打ち込むというプロ意識がすごい。あの自由な発想は力作でした。


オリンピック 新競技のサーフィン男子 五十嵐カノア 銀メダル 2021年7月27日 20時09分



Huntington Beach surfer Kanoa Igarashi discusses his Olympic silver medal win from Tokyo

五十嵐カノアさんが銀メダル、都筑 有夢路さんが銅メダル獲得。前田マヒナさん、大原洋人さんが大活躍したサーフィン。みんな、サーファーにぴったりの名前ばかりでした。スケボーの親たちはスケボーに夢を託す名前をつけ、海が大好きな親たちは、サーフィンの夢を子供の名前に託す。



Duke Kahanamoku, surfing’s first ambassador who pushed for the sport’s inclusion in the Olympics. His dream would finally come true a century later at the 2020 games in Tokyo, Japan. サーフボードは、パパヘナル(Papa he`e nalu)、波乗り板と呼ばれ、4.8 メートル, 52キロ。コアウッドでできていた。


(Part 2は、スポーツクライミング、空手、野球/ソフトボール)

(Summary)  Even if the world seems to stop due to Covid, I learned from the Tokyo Olympics that people in the 21st century can keep moving. The Tokyo Olympics was the most diverse in the history of the Olympics! 206 countries participated. 54 countries from Africa participated. The largest number of LGBTQ members in the Olympics history also joined. 339 games from 33 sports were played during the two weeks.  Five new sports were added at the Tokyo Olympics. With many Japanese medalists, Ryo Sejiri, a Japanese commentator who became very popular for using slang to describe the Street Skateboarding competition. Surfing has finally become an Olympics game more than 100 years after  Duke Kahanamoku, a Hawaiian swimmer and surfer and Hollywood actor, has advocated for it in the early 1900s. (Part 1 covers skateboarding and surfing; Part 2 covers sports climbing, karate and baseball/softball.)

Examples of the Useful Language Use that you can learn from today’s text:

Useful Japanese for Japanese learnersMany Japanese people use slang in their everyday conversations. (See the youtube video below)
63 Must-KnowJapanese Slang Words (to sound like a Japanese local)
Useful English for English learners

Authenticity and Flexibility are 21st century leadership skills.
Authenticity 裏表がない本物
– Ryo Sejiri is an authentic skateboarding commentator. (He knows skateboarding culture.)
– The new Japanese restaurant has an authentic menu. (real Japanese menu).

Flexibility  柔軟性
– The broadcaster Kurata has the great flexibility to accommodate the skateboarding slang of Sejiri.
– My schedule is flexible this week. 

Cultural Differences in the Dugout

Can you guess which dugout was used by the American team?
Can you guess which dugout was used by the American team?

Baseball was introduced to Japan in the 1870s by the U.S., and this marked the beginning of a long relationship between the two countries based on the sport. The first international exchange was in 1905, when the Waseda University baseball team traveled to U.S. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig went to Japan in 1934 as members of an All-Star team. Since the end of World War II, Major League Baseball has sent All-Star teams to Japan every other year. For more information about the Japan-U.S. Baseball history, check out “The History of the Baseball Partnership across the Pacific Ocean” by Junya Ishii at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C.

As you might expect, there are some cultural differences between American and Japanese teams. It’s not necessarily about how they play the game. Recently the Nikkan Gendai sports newspaper reported that one major cultural difference is the way the teams treat the dugouts. After one international game, the custodians were shocked to see how dirty the Americans left the dugout. As a baseball fan, I am also surprised about this significant cultural difference. The way the Americans trash their dugouts has become famous in Japan. Japanese fans take photos of the American dugouts as omiyage (souvenirs) of the game. I wonder how Japanese players in the MLB teams are surviving in the messy American dugouts.

Obama and Japan

obama-bow-vmed-530p.grid-4x2Obama in Tokyo

The midterm election is over. The Republicans won control of the Senate. Now President Obama focuses on building his legacy to help shape how he will be remembered by history. He will be busy tackling many unfinished tasks in his last two years in office. He needs to close the Guantanamo prison, sign the Anti-Land Mines International Treaty, and much more.

But I’d like him to add one thing to his list: Visit the Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorial ceremonies in August, 2015 or 2016. He would be the first President of the United States to do so.

President Obama made his great speech about Anti-Nuclear Weapons in Prague in April 2009 and shook the world! I cried when I saw it on TV. The same year he received the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s not a bad idea to conclude his presidency in those cities dedicated to Peace.

Obama already left one great legacy with his magnificent bow to the Emperor. No previous American presidents ever bowed so respectfully. Look at the picture. The Empress was humbled enough to lower her knees for President Obama, which demonstrated great respect for him. Look at the Emperor’s smile and humble gesture. Bowing means mutual respect. It’s not a hierarchical greeting of submission that many Americans imagine it to be. Gathering his hands together, Obama bowed quite gracefully.

John Boehner couldn’t bow like that. Both liberals and conservatives in America told Obama not to bow to a former enemy….They don’t understand global culture. That has been a problem in America, a country founded and led by white men. President Obama needs to leave the legacy that none of the white Presidents could achieve. He should visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The people of Japan, one of America’s greatest allies and its second largest trading partner, would be forever grateful for that visit. It would be a strong expression of his desire for peace.

From a Japanese perspective, the second big action that would cement his legacy concerns his wife. First Lady Michelle Obama should finally join the President in Japan. She is the only First Lady in modern history who has never visited Japan. Where was she?

Hip Hop classnn20120410i1aABC_hip_hop_japan_teachers_jp_120328_wg

(Right: Students; Left: Teachers in training)  Mrs. Obama  needs to visit schools to observe their newly-reformed physical education classes. In 2012, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology launched a hip-hop dance exercise as a requirement for compulsory education. The Japanese philosophy of whole person education aims to integrate body and mind in exercises such as this. Each school invites visiting instructors from sports clubs that have hip-hop dance classes. Teachers also have to learn hip-hop moves. In Japan, elementary school teachers are also required to learn how to play keyboard or piano. The country’s diverse dance curriculum includes European and American folk dance as well.

In the past six years Mrs. Obama has repeatedly turned down Japanese invitations. According to Japan Times, Mrs. Obama’s spokesperson aid the First Lady’s absence is not a slight, and she has always chosen her trips on what’s best for her family. I believe Sasha and Malia would enjoy Japan, but if they can’t go, I think Mrs. Obama should go without them. They are big enough to stay home now.

Mr. and Mrs. Obama need to develop more human relationships especially in Japan. Mrs. Obama visited all six western nations of the G7 countries, skipping only Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Obama need to come to see local people outside Tokyo and especially Japanese children! They need to see Japan’s World Class Education system, complete with hip-hop dance classes!

News Media on Anti-Indian Mascot Name

rally photo

I joined the rally against the Washington football team’s racist name with my husband Steve on November 2, 2014. It was a chilly and sunny Sunday morning, so we wrapped up in our warm winter clothing. I carried the sign that we made the previous night:

News Media, You, Too! False Objectivity is Racism!

I’m really hurt and bothered whenever I see or hear news reports using the R-word. Do the news media think that they are being objective when they use this offensive word? Howard Zinn said that there is no such thing as objectivity. According to Webster’s dictionary, the R-word has been known to be offensive for more than 30 years, so why keep using it?

In their irresponsible false objectivity, the media pretends to avoid taking a side by “balancing” their stories. They include some Native people recruited by the Washington team who say they don’t feel offended. This allows the media to continue using the R-word in the face of all the protesters and tribal leaders who are quite articulate in their condemnation of the word. The media are taking sides by continuing to use the R-word. Journalists dedicated to the status quo ignore the dictionary. The New York Times and AP decided to keep using the R-word “for now.” They don’t really give a reason. Just like the Washington fans say, it seems that tradition is its own justification.

Jesse Ventura did a good job explaining why reporters or the Washington team stubbornly use the R-word, despite the fact that it is a wrong word. He said that individuals are sued or get fired if they use a racist word, but institutions, such as the Washington team and news media, can get by with it. Racism is a combination of power and race. The collective power of racism – institutional racism — seems to be the biggest problem in this country.

The media are powerful and effective. I hear that the R-word is becoming more popular than ever. Even people who don’t care for football know the R-word because of its overuse in the headlines about the controversy. I am sad when I think of small children are using the R-word while watching the game or just the news…. On the other side of my sign, I displayed examples of the local news media’s headlines using the R-word, editing them out in proofreader’s style. I noticed that some news media avoided taking a picture of my sign. Others were interested. Some participants gave me some good feedback, saying, “I like your sign” or “I agree with you.”

It was fun to meet our friends at the rally, and I was so excited to see many famous speakers! Winona LaDuke, Bill Means, and Clyde Bellecourt (our old boss) talked powerfully, as usual. It was good to see Steve’s old boss, too, Jesse Ventura, a longtime opponent of the R-word. He refused to use it in the early ‘90s when he did some sports broadcasting! Clyde noted that it has been 45 years since the American Indian Movement was founded. Steve and I met at AIM’s 20th anniversary, so our life goes on with AIM’s history.

The rally and speeches were so peaceful and powerful. Most of the speakers avoided mentioning the R-word. Instead they said, “Washington” or “Snyder.” I even noticed a reduction of the R-word in the media reports of the rally, where they substituted “Washington” for the offensive name. Maybe they saw my sign!

Dear White People


When I went to see Dear White People, I was wondering how the younger generation of African American filmmakers would deal with racial issues. This is the generation who voted for the first black president in U.S. history. The film doesn’t deal with poor black people, but with young blacks who are struggling with their identities in a privileged white environment. The film reminds me of Beverly Tatum’s book, “Why are All Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” Even in college, there are black students who are still on the “pre-encountering stage” in terms of racial experiences. Some people are like the character of Sam, whose campus radio show, Dear White People, gave the title to the film. She notes on her program all the mindless things whites do without realizing how racist and annoying they are – such as touching black people’s hair as if they were in a petting zoo. Whites should also not accuse non-whites of racism. To back this up, Sam quotes Tatum: “People of color are not racist because they do not systematically benefit from racism.” That was a powerful and timely message. The other black students react in different ways to her bold expressions of anger, showing how African Americans are not a monolithic group, and that there are many variations of perspective. Most of the white students in the movie are stereotypically naïve and generally clueless. This culminates in a blackface hip-hop party, where the white students have no idea that they are doing anything wrong. They feel that they can’t be racist because they are not trying to be racist. It’s kind of like the Washington fans who don’t see anything wrong with the R-word, and defend it by saying they don’t intend for it to be racist. Even though it is.

In our white-dominated society where white culture is norm, the notion of a colorblind society is a fantasy. This film shows how whites need to get clued in, and that even blacks struggle to find their identity in our multicultural society. Teachers and educators need to watch this.